Committee Members
Conference Chairman
- Younho Cho (Pusan National University, Korea)
- Jong Won Park (Korea Institute of Machinery & Materials, Korea)
Advisory Committee
- Dong-Kil Shin (Yeungnam University, Korea)
- Byeng Dong Youn (Seoul National University, Korea)
- Suk Joo Bae (Hanyang University, Korea)
- Hongchul Lee (Aero Technology Research Institute, ROKAF, Korea)
Steering Committee
- Nam-Su Huh (Seoul National University of Science and Technology, Korea)
- Wae-Gyeong Shin (Korea Automotive Technology Institute, Korea)
- Changwoon Han (The State University of New York, Korea)
- Seung Woo Ha (KLES Inc., Korea)
- Seungchul Lee (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Korea)
- Hyunseok Oh (Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, Korea)
- Dongmin Kim (Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science, Korea)
- Jong-Woon Kim (Nemosys, Korea)
- Jae Hyuk Lim (Jeonbuk National University, Korea)
- Christian Boller (Saarland University, Germany)
Organizing Committee
- Sang Hyuk Lee (Korea Institute of Machinery & Materials, Korea)
- Jongseong Choi (The State University of New York, Korea)
- Wonoh Lee (Chonnam National University, Korea)
- Taek-Soo Kim (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Korea)
- Gi-Dong Sim (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Korea)
- Myoung Ho Shin (Korea Aerospace Research Institute, Korea)
- Hwanjeong Cho (Aero Technology Research Institute, ROKAF, Korea)
- Seungwoo Jin (Korea Aerospace Industries, Korea)
- Weibin Li (Xiamen University, China)
- David Gilbert (ICNDT General Secretary, UK)
- Mike Farley (Academia, Hungary)
- Trampus Péter (Hungarian Association for NDT (MAROVISZ), Hungary)
- Shohei Ooka (JSNDI, Japan)
- Jingyuan Ji (ChSNDT, China)
- Jianmin Qu (Stevens Institute of Technology, USA)
- Sajeesh Kumar Babu (ICNDT, Singapore)
- Gong-Tian Shen (China Special Equipment Inspection and Research Institute, China)
- Guang-ping Guo (AECC Beijing Institute of Aeronautical Materials, China)
- Chunguang Xu (Beijing Institute of Technology, China)
- Songping Liu (BAMTRI, China)
- Takamasa Ogata (JSNDI, Japan)
Financing Committee
- Byeongnam Jo (Ajou University, Korea)
- Bongkyun Jang (Korea Institute of Machinery & Materials, Korea)
- Jihoon Han (Jeonbuk National University, Korea)
- Seung-Wook Baek (Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science, Korea)
Academic Committee
- Dongwoo Lee (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea)
- Dong-Won Jang (Myongji University, Korea)
- Hongyun So (Hanyang University, Korea)
- Jaesun Lee (Changwon National University, Korea)
- Donghoon Kang (Korea Railroad Research Institute, Korea)
- Jung-Ryul Lee (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Korea)
- Lae-Hyong Kang (Jeonbuk National University, Korea)
- Dae-Hyun Kim (Seoul National University of Science and Technology, Korea)
Exhibition Committee
- Dong-Cheon Baek (Korea Institute of Machinery & Materials, Korea)
- Yong-Seok Lee (Myongji University, Korea)
- Jasuk Koo (Hyundai Mobis, Korea)
Scientific Committee
- Matthias Buderath (EADS Cassidian, Germany)
- Pierre Calmon (CEA List, France)
- Fu-Kuo Chang (Stanford University, USA)
- Nicolas Dominguez (Airbus, France)
- Zheng Fan (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)
- Gary Georgeson (retired from Boeing, USA)
- Christian Große (TU München, Germany)
- Srinivasan Gopalakrishnan (Indian Institute of Science, India)
- Alfredo Güemes (Polytechnic University of Madrid, Spain)
- Henning Heuer (Fraunhofer IKTS, Germany)
- Frédéric Jenson (Safran, France)
- Johann Kastner (FH Oberösterreich, Austria)
- Cara Leckey (NASA Langley, USA)
- Wieslaw Ostachowicz (Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland)
- William Prosser (NASA Langley, USA)
- Thomas Wenzel (DGZfP, Germany)
- Xinlin (Peter) Qing (Xiamen University, China)
- Lei Qiu (Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China)
- Michael Stamm (Federal Institute for Materials Research & Testing (BAM), Germany)
- Zhonquing Su (Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong)
- GuiYun Tian (Newcastle University, UK)
- Shenfang Yuan (Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China)
- Zhenggan Zhou (Beihang University, China)